PILLER in the press: „Full steam ahead“

Wednesday, 03. August 2022

PILLER in the press: „Full steam ahead“

In the current issue, faktor magazine deals with Piller Blowers & Compressors in an article with the title "Full steam ahead". The article explains in a way that is easy to understand how important the machines from Moringen,Germany, are for the companies that use them. The article also shows how the topic of digitization is being promoted internally - and which ideas PILLER is working on for customers in this area. Beautiful pictures from the production give a glimpse behind the scenes.

PILLER in the press: „Full steam ahead“

In the current issue, faktor magazine deals with Piller Blowers & Compressors in an article with the title "Full steam ahead". The article explains in a way that is easy to understand how important the machines from Moringen, Germany, are for the companies that use them. The article also shows how the topic of digitization is being promoted internally and which ideas PILLER is working on for customers in this area. Beautiful pictures from the production give a glimpse behind the scenes.

For example, when it comes to tomato paste, paper, coffee powder, the after-work beer or the salt in the soup, machines from Piller Blowers & Compressors are used in production. But they are also used in industrial wastewater processes. In short: The high-performance blowers and compressors from Moringen are needed in various sectors when production processes need to be made more energy-efficient. The goal: to recover the hot steam used in the manufacturing process, to compress it with the blowers and compressors, bring it back to a higher temperature and ultimately make it available again in the process. With this technology, PILLER became the market leader – worldwide. There is hardly a country around the world that has not yet been supplied. The export rate is more than 85 percent.

The technology has spectacular effects for customers: The machines from PILLER ensure stable conditions in the production process and thus consistent quality in the end products. Above all, they reduce the use of energy in the production process, sometimes drastically. This is because less energy is required to reprocess and heat up the steam that is still warm than to produce the same amount of new steam. "Although our machines also consume energy, of course, customers can reduce the energy used in the overall process by a factor of six to eight," says PILLER Managing Director Christoph Böhnisch in an interview with faktor.

The more detailed answers to the questions what the machines from PILLER do, how the topic of digitization is promoted internally and with ideas for digital services and solutions for customers can be found here in the full article – just like beautiful pictures from the production site in Moringen, Germany.

Learn more about PILLER