Start of training at PILLER in Moringen

Thursday, 25. August 2022

Start of training at PILLER in Moringen

13 new trainees started their careers at Piller Blowers & Compressors GmbH in Moringen on August 15th. The first days were all about getting to know each other and finding your way around the training center, the workshops and the administration building. PILLER is currently training 44 young people in future-oriented apprenticeships.

On August 15, 13 new trainees started their future-oriented training at Piller Blowers & Compressors GmbH in Moringen. This year, PILLER is training industrial mechanics and cutting machine operators, electronics engineers for industrial engineering, warehouse logistics specialists, industrial sales representatives and IT specialists.


“In the first week, we always focus on getting to know each other and finding your way around the training center,” explains training manager Mandy Steinmetz. “In addition, everyone gets their PILLER T-shirts and work clothes. The technical-industrial trainees and specialists for warehouse logistics receive iPads and the commercial and IT specialists receive laptops for use in school and in everyday work". Group work and product training by colleagues from sales and product management were also part of the first week´s program. During a tour of the company, led by the training masters Peter Demitz and Andreas Heer, the trainees got to know the administration building, the workshop and some of the contacts in the various departments. “The trainees should find out early on who they can turn to with questions. Not just in the training center, but throughout the company. This is just as important to us as training content tailored to the future requirements of the respective job descriptions,” emphasizes Mandy Steinmetz.


The second week of training is now already taking place in the assigned departments - for the technical-commercial trainees in the training center. The 700 square meter training center shows the importance of training at PILLER. Modern training rooms and a very well-equipped training workshop with workbenches, conventional and CNC lathes and milling machines, welding cabins, electrical laboratory and workshop ensure the best starting conditions for a successful professional career.


In the future, all trainees will meet there again and again for training courses and daily for the common breaks, which can be spent in the break room or on the terrace of the training center. Many of the 44 trainees in the various years of training at PILLER meet there regularly.

Learn more about PILLER